22/10/2024 at 16:23
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West Japan Railway Company(Chugoku Area) Okayama, Kurashiki / Hiroshima, Miyajimaguchi / Yonago, Tottori
Update dateLine nameService status
22/10/2024 at 05:00 Yamaguchi Line Partial cancellation of service
Yamaguchi Line: The following trains are canceled on the following sections to conduct track maintenance work between Miyano Station and Tsuwano Station between October 22 and October 25.

[Yamaguchi Line: Tsuwano → Miyano]
• Train departing Tsuwano Station at 20:00, arriving at Miyano Station at 21:02 between Tsuwano Station and Miyano Station
*Time changes between Yamaguchi Station and Miyano Station. See related information for details.

[Yamaguchi Line: Miyano → Tsuwano]
• Train departing Miyano Station at 21:29, arriving at Tsuwano Station at 22:34 between Miyano Station and Tsuwano Station

*No alternative bus or taxi transport is provided on sections of cancellation.